Excavator Hydraulics, Diesel Engine, SKS Hydraulic

buy Danfoss 90 90K 90K055 Series Hydraulic Pump Tank Truck Mixer 90K055NC0N8N0S1W0-0NNN0000E0 11127524 C123610997 | Partsdic®


    buy Danfoss 90 90K 90K055 Series Hydraulic Pump Tank Truck Mixer 90K055NC0N8N0S1W0-0NNN0000E0 11127524 C123610997 | Partsdic®

  • Product Parameters


    buy Danfoss 90 90K 90K055 Series Hydraulic Pump Tank Truck Mixer 90K055NC0N8N0S1W0-0NNN0000E0 11127524 C123610997 | Partsdic®

The specific model is 90K055NC0N8N0S1W0 - 0NNN0000E0, with additional identification numbers 11127524 and C123610997. It belongs to the Danfoss 90 90K 90K055 series of hydraulic pumps, specifically designed for tank truck mixer applications.


These pumps are engineered to provide the necessary hydraulic power for the operation of tank truck mixers. They are responsible for driving the mixing mechanisms, ensuring proper agitation of the substances carried in the tank.

 Technical Parameters


Rated Displacement: [X] cm³/rev. This indicates the volume of hydraulic fluid displaced by the pump per revolution of the drive shaft under standard operating conditions. It is a key factor in determining the pump's flow rate and the amount of work it can perform.


Rated Pressure: [P1] bar. This is the pressure at which the pump can operate continuously and reliably over an extended period, ensuring smooth and stable operation of the tank truck mixer.

Maximum Pressure: [P2] bar. The pump is designed to withstand this higher pressure for short - term peak loads, such as during sudden changes in the mixing process or when starting the mixer under heavy loads.


Rated Speed: [S1] rpm. Operating the pump at this speed optimizes its performance in terms of flow rate, pressure generation, and mechanical efficiency.

Maximum Speed: [S2] rpm. Exceeding this speed may lead to increased wear and tear on the pump components, reduced efficiency, and potential damage to the pump.

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buy Danfoss 90 90K 90K055 Series Hydraulic Pump Tank Truck Mixer 90K055NC0N8N0S1W0-0NNN0000E0 11127524 C123610997 | Partsdic®
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buy Danfoss 90 90K 90K055 Series Hydraulic Pump Tank Truck Mixer 90K055NC0N8N0S1W0-0NNN0000E0 11127524 C123610997 | Partsdic®

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